What was the condition of the common guest areas this morning? The Concierge should inspect the corridors, entrances, stairwells, sidewalk and parking lot upon arrival each morning. Please consider "acceptable" to be the baseline when everything is in order according to our 5-star protocols. Please selectPoorBelow averageAcceptableAbove averageExcellent
Please detail any condition issues that were found. Include major issues such as food spills and minor issues such as debris in the parking lot and footprints on the stairs.
Including the Housekeeping manager, how many total Housekeepers are working today? Please select01234567More than 7
Who is the Housekeeping Manager today (Who is inspecting lofts)? Please selectIrinaLiberoJohnHoldonSteve
How many resets are there today? (Please do not include refreshes.) Please select012345678910111213141516
Are all housekeepers in dress code today? Please selectYesNo
What was the total collected in tips today?
How many Arrivals were there yesterday? Please select012345678910111213141516
Of the arrivals yesterday, how many had a physical interaction with the front desk area, such as checking in at the front desk, entering through the front door, or visiting the front desk in person? Please select012345678910111213141516
Were all guests checked in by 3pm yesterday? Please selectYesNoNo Arrivals yesterdayNot able to verify
How many Stay-overs were there yesterday? Please select012345678910111213141516
Which overnight staffer was on duty last night? Please selectTom DHoldon
Was that staffer in dress code? Please selectYesNo
Was each scheduled security round completed by the staffer on duty last night? Please selectYesNo
Were there any issues with the Service or Security team last night? Include things such as delays or confusion with service calls and room service orders, any communication issues, any security issues, etc. Please selectYesNo
Please describe the issue(s).
Were there any guest dissatisfaction complaints last evening pertaining to sanitation, cleanliness, or condition? Please also include complaints related to missing items such as soaps and towels. Please selectYesNo
Please specify any relevant information related to this issue.
Were there any guest dissatisfaction issues last evening pertaining to customer service, the check-in process, parking, or other logistical items? Please selectYesNo
Please specify any relevant information related to this item. Should this issue be attributed to the evening concierge? Please selectYesNo
Who was the evening Concierge? Please selectSteveJohnHoldon
Were there any phone calls that came in between the hours of 6pm last night and 6am this morning? Please selectYesNo
Were the calls before midnight, after midnight, or both? Please selectBeforeAfterBoth Please add any helpful information about call recordings that were audited. Along with your description, please rate how well you feel the staffer handled the call(s) in terms of offering helpful information and great customer service.
Were there any missed phone calls anytime last evening or overnight? Please selectYesNo
Were the missed calls before midnight, after midnight, or both? Please selectBeforeAfterBoth Please specify any relevant information about the missed calls.
How many Service Calls were issued last night? Please select01234567More than 7
How many Room Service orders were made yesterday morning at 9am through last night? Please select01234567More than 7
Were there any neighborhood disturbance issues last night? Please selectYesNo
Please specify any relevant information relating to the neighborhood disturbance.
Manager's signature Please selectJohnHoldonSteve